BBC Question Time Came to Epsom

Question Time panel against Epsom College backdrop

Last night, Epsom College played host to BBC’s Question Time, with Fiona Bruce at the helm. She opened the programme by highlighting Epsom’s famed salts and rich horse racing heritage.

Epsom and Ewell Times will be staging a local “Question Time” for the Epsom and Ewell Parliamentary Candidates at the Adrian Mann Theatre, NESCOT, Reigate Road in Ewell at 7pm on Wednesday 26th June. All welcome.

The Panel included Damian Hinds MP the Conservative School Minister, Wes Streeting MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, Nigel Farage, Reform UK President, Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover and Piers Morgan, TV Presenter and Former Newspaper Editor.

Here is a summary of some of the questions and responses:

Question: “Is the idea of bringing back national service anything more than a political stunt?”

    Damian Hinds: Defended the idea, suggesting it would broaden opportunities and foster a cohesive society, though Bruce noted criticism from senior military figures.

    Wes Streeting: Highlighted existing opportunities like local cadets and questioned the government’s track record over the past 14 years.

    Rose Hudson-Wilkin: Cautioned against backdoor conscription, referencing existing youth programs.

    Piers Morgan: Supported the idea for its potential to instill responsibility, but emphasized the need to address broader issues affecting young people.

    Nigel Farage: Dismissed the policy as a focus groupdriven stunt, pointing out its limited scope.

Question: “Labour claims to reduce (NHS) waiting lists by extending working hours and asking doctors to work on weekends. Where will you find the staff?”

    Wes Streeting: Explained plans for voluntary extra shifts, while acknowledging current pay and working condition issues.

    Damian Hinds: Agreed on the need for more doctors and better technology, but noted industrial action worsened the backlog.

    Piers Morgan: Criticized the system’s inability to cope with population growth and increased life expectancy.

    Nigel Farage: Called for a rethink of NHS funding.

    Rose Hudson-Wilkin: Highlighted the delay in developing a workforce plan.

Question: “Regardless of people coming over on small boats, legal immigration is out of control. What is the solution?”

    Nigel Farage: Blamed Labour for opening the door to high migration and called for using Brexit powers to control it.

    Rose Hudson-Wilkin: Advocated for addressing global issues causing migration and warned against political scapegoating.

    Damian Hinds: Emphasized the need to welcome contributing migrants but acknowledged current numbers were too high.

    Piers Morgan: Warned about the rhetoric used in discussing migrants and criticized the lack of control postBrexit.

Question: “Is it morally right to impose a tax on parents’ aspirations for their children?”

    Wes Streeting: Defended Labour’s plan to remove tax exemptions for private schools, arguing for better funding for state schools.

    Piers Morgan: Condemned the policy as envy driven and harmful to aspirations.

    Damian Hinds: Questioned the impact and minimal revenue from the tax.

    Rose Hudson-Wilkin: Called for equitable resourcing of all schools.

    Nigel Farage: Suggested more scholarships for working class children instead of taxing private schools.

The heated debate at Epsom College will be a night to remember for those lucky to get in and everyone at Epsom College who watched it.

Maraam Nusair