Bowling Reports to 8th July 2022

Tony Bourne, Martin Harbottle, Les Owen, Joe Cable and Bill Ayling.

Ladies’ Friendly Epsom played away at Cheam on Thursday 7th July 2022 & won on 1 rink, lost on 1 rink & lost overall 27 – 33. Details:Rink 4  Penny Payne Christine Summerfield Ruth Baker  won 19 – 13Epsom were 0 – 6 down after 4 ends, but won the next 4 ends to go 9 – 6 ahead.  Cheam drew level on the next end, but Epsom won the next 5 ends to ahead again 16 – 9.  They won by 6 shots.Rink 5  Sandy Cooper Sandie Harvey Mary Green  lost 8 – 20 Epsom led 7 – 6 after 10 ends, but lost the next 6 ends to go 7 – 17 down.  They lost by 12 shots.Final Score:  Epsom 27  Cheam 33
Surrey President v Surrey Past President Bowling AssociationEpsom hosted this match on Wednesday 6th July 2022. The President, Martin Harbottle had invited 10 Epsom men to play in this game.Details:Surrey County Bowling AssociationResult of Surrey President match v SCMPPBA played at Epsom Bowling Club on Wednesday 6th July 2022The Surrey President’s team won on 3 rinks, lost on 3 rinks & lost overall 112 – 118.  After 10 ends across the 6 rinks the President led 66 – 57, but were behind by 4 shots (100 – 104) after 18 ends.  They lost by 6 shots. NB The Surrey President’s team is listed first in each rink.RinkTeamScore1Vic Hemmett Brian Collis David Botting Peter Hamilton vDennis Knight John Hort Alan Harding Bill Ayling16 – 31 The Surrey President’s team was 14 – 15 down after 10 ends & further behind 14 – 22 on end 15.  They lost the last 4 ends & lost by 15 shots. 2Alan Endersby Stephen Danderson/Bob Blaker John Warren Norman Mann * vRobin Taylor Butch Manning Mick Gray David Candeland26 – 6 The Surrey President’s team led 13 – 2 after 10 ends & 21 – 6 after 18 ends.  They won by 19 shots 3Richard Greenfield Edward Dear Keith Roberts Martin Harbottle v Mark Medhurst Allen Kellaway Steve Parnham Joe Cable6 – 29 The President skipping this rink found themselves 0 – 12 down after 7 ends.  They were 3 – 25 down after 16 ends & lost by 23 shots. 4Allen Banks Phil Sims Les Owen Robin Fudge vColin Clarke Ray Uwins George Hope Trevor Pocock29 – 18 The Surrey President’s team were 19 – 4 ahead after 10 ends & 27 – 14 in the lead on end 18.  They won by 11 shots. 5Stefan Tomm Carl Chadbond Colin Gray Jim Scott vRoger Rashleigh George Watson Colin Homes Graham Dawber25 – 11 The Surrey President’s team led 19 – 4 on end 13 & won by 14 shots. 6David Tucker Neil Dimmock Graeme Cupit Andrew Turnbull vTerry Franklin John Southwell John Cocoracchio James Mason11 – 23 The Surrey President’s team were 5 – 15 down after 10 ends & 8 – 22 behind on end 18.  They lost by 12 shots.  * Highest winning RinkLost 112 – 118 A huge thanks goes to all the Epsom members who helped make the day successful. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon which concluded with an excellent meal.
Vilamoura Mixed LeagueEpsom played Chipstead in their second Vilamoura game on Tuesday 5th July 2022 & won on both rinks & the match 35 – 29 (6 – 0).Details:Home: Liz Hind Phil Sims Brian Collis won 15 – 12After 9 ends Epsom led 8 – 4 & were further ahead 14 – 7 after 14 ends.  They won by 3 shots.Away: Penny Payne John Lystor Fred Read  won 20 – 17Epsom were 4 – 14 down after 8 ends, but won the next 4 ends to go 13 – 14 down.  They won the last 4 ends to win by 3 shots.Final Score:  Epsom 35  Chipstead 29  Epsom 6 points  Chipstead 0 points.
Did you know
Epsom have played Chipstead 5 times in this league and won 4 & lost 1.
East Surrey League – Mid Week TriplesEpsom played their second game in this new league at home against Caterham on Tuesday 5th July 2022.They won on 2 rinks, lost on 1 rink & won overall 50 – 33 (8 – 2).Details:Rink 2 Richard Senior Bob Blaker Wayne Thornton  lost 14 – 15Epsom were 4 – 14 down after 12 ends, but won 5 of the remaining ends & lost by just 1 shot.Rink 4 Derek Martin John Hart Jim Scott  won 17 – 7Epsom led 10 – 3 after 10 ends & 13 – 6 after 15 ends.  They won by 10 shots.Rink 5 Mick Cooper Frank Thompson Ted Ray  won 19 – 11Epsom led 12 – 4 after 11 ends & 16 – 10 after 15 ends.  They won by 8 shots.Final Result:  Epsom 50  Caterham 33   Epsom 8 points  Caterham 2 pointsBob Blaker, Mick Cooper & Ted Ray played in their first game in this Competition.
Surrey Area 3 Top 4 – Epsom ‘B’After getting a walk over against Horley Epsom ‘B’ made the short distance to Epsom Park to play in the second round on Tuesday 5th July 2022. They lost 24 – 25.lost 24 – 25David Fearn David Bragg Keith Roberts Andrew Turnbull  lost 24 – 25David Fearn played in his first game in this Competition.
Did you know
This Competition only allows 1 Surrey County Badged player to be in the rink.Epsom have won the area final twice:-2006 Winners – Martin Harbottle, Ted Ray, Pat Buckley & Peter Miller2014 Winners – Brian Kenyon, Andrew Turnbull, John Warren & John Huxford.
Chrystie LeagueEpsom played at home against Bookham on Monday 4th July 2022 and won on 1 rink, lost on 1 rink & won overall 41 – 24 (3 – 1).Details:Rink 4 Derek Martin John Savill John Lystor Fred Read  won 29 – 9Epsom led 12 – 7 after 10 ends & won the next 7 ends to go ahead 29 – 7.  They won by 20 shots.Rink 5 Mick Cooper Hayden Thornton Frank Thompson Wayne Thornton  lost 12 – 15Epsom led 4 – 1 after 4 ends, but lost he next 4 ends to go 4 – 7 down.  They were 9 – 13 down on end 14 & lost by 3 shots.Final Score:  Epsom 41  Bookham 24   Epsom 3 points Bookham 1 point.

Did you know
Epsom have played Bookham 39 times in this league and won 23, lost 15 & drawn 1.This was Epsom’s 5th game in the Chrystie League this season.  They have won 4 & lost 1.Epsom have won 8 of the last 10 games against Bookham.

Men – East Surrey LeagueEpsom Men played away against Old Coulsdon on Saturday 2nd July 2022 and lost on all 3 rinks & the match 42 – 63 (0 – 10).Details:Rink 1  Derek Martin Keith Roberts John Warren Jim Scott  lost 13 – 22Epsom were 8 – 12 down after 10 ends & 10 – 19 behind after 18 ends.  They lost by 9 shots.Rink 2  David Fearn Ted Ray Andrew Turnbull Wayne Thornton  lost 16 – 17Epsom took the lead 10 – 9 on end 11 & led 15 – 12 on end 16.  They lost the next 4 ends to go behind 15 – 17.  They scored 1 shot on the final end to lose by 1 shot.Rink 3  David Bragg Bob Blaker Les Owen Peter Miller  lost 13 – 24Epsom were 9 – 13 down on end 13 & lost by 11 shots.Final Score:  Epsom 42  Old Coulsdon 63   Epsom 0 points  Old Coulsdon 10 points.
Did you know
Epsom have played Old Coulsdon 41 times in this League & won 14, lost 26 and there has been 1 drawn match.In 2021 Epsom beat Old Coulsdon at home 10 – 0 which was the first time that Epsom had taken all points in a game against Old Coulsdon.Epsom played their very first ESL match in 1987 against Old Coulsdon.  Epsom lost 70 – 82 (1 – 5). Of our current members Graham Pilbrow played in this game.
Ladies – East Surrey LeagueEpsom Ladies played away against Old Coulsdon on Saturday 2nd July 2022 and drew on 1 rink, lost on 1 rink & lost overall 36 – 41 (½ – 3½)Details:Rink 4   Janet Newman Sue Skinner Frances Suttonwood Mary Green  lost 17 – 22Epsom were 5 – 17 down after 10 ends, but outscored Old Coulsdon  12 – 5 over the remaining ends.  They lost by 5 shots.Rink 5  Sandy Cooper Liz Hind Trish Southgate Sandie Harvey  drew 19 – 19Epsom led 17 – 10 on end 16, but were outscored 2 – 9 over the remaining ends to allow Old Coulsdon to tie the rink.Final Score:  Epsom 36  Old Coulsdon 41  Epsom ½ point  Old Coulsdon 3½ points
Did you know
Epsom first played Old Coulsdon in 1998 and have played 24 times, won 9, lost 15.This season Epsom Ladies have played 4 League matches, won 2 & lost 2.Epsom Ladies have won the League 3 times – 2005/2006 & 2019.
Surrey President’s Team v SCMPPBA