Council will get a Youth Hub

Councillor Alex Coley Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee reported to the Full Council Meeting (online) of 19th July 2021 that the Council has been successful in a bid to the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) to fund the establishment of a Youth Hub. In response to a growing problem of unemployment and to avoid the pandemic creating a cohort of left behind young people, the DWP had requested bids from local authorities to establish a Youth Hub within the borough with the intention of supporting 18 – 24 years olds to help them seek employment and increase their chances of gaining future employment. The role of the Youth Hub is not to replicate existing DWP provision but to leverage a range of additional partner and industry resources to provide employment information and advice, support employer connections, work placements and mentors to support young people find pathways into work as soon as possible.

Partners would include NESCOT and the Coast to Capital Enterprise Adviser service.

The Hub is likely to be set inside the Ashley Centre, High Street Epsom