Council’s memorial benches to Co-Vid victims

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council is installing 14 memorial benches across the Borough to commemorate all the lives lost in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Metal benches have been placed at Alexandra Recreations Ground, Long Grove Park, Nonsuch Park, Shadbolt Park, Stoneleigh Broadway and The Grove in Ewell Village.
More metal benches are in the process of being installed at Auriol Park, Ewell Court Park, Mounthill Gardens and The Wells Centre.
Wooden benches will also be placed at Epsom Common, Grandstand Road, Horton Country Park and Hogsmill by the stepping stones at a later date. Flowers will also be planted around the benches where appropriate.
Funding for the benches was provided via the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
Councillor Hannah Dalton, who put forward the CIL bid, said, “The past two years have been extremely hard for everyone in the borough, but more so for those who have lost loved ones. These benches are our permanent memorial to all those affected by the pandemic.
“I hope they will bring comfort to grieving families, ensuring that their loved one will always have a place in and be remembered by our community.”
Councillor John Beckett, Chair of Environment and Safe Communities Committee, added, “While these benches memorialise the pandemic, they also represent a time for reflection within the Borough. I can’t think of a more fitting tribute to those we have lost, than to have something to remind us and generations to come.”