Epsom & Ewell Health Walks are looking for volunteers

Epsom & Ewell Health Walks is a small Charity registered with HMRC No. XT 37422. The objective is to provide walks for older people who are unable to walk long distances as they could in their youth. Many women understandably do not like walking alone so one benefit of our walks is that we provide company and security. All our walks start at 10:00 am and either last for 30 minutes or 1 hour. Each walk has a leader and a backmarker.
Our shorter walks are designed for people recovering from health issues and those who feel they would like to meet other people but don’t want to walk far. These walks take place on a Monday.
The schedule for June and July is:
6 June Epsom Downs
13 June Poole Road
20 June Priest Hill
27 June Epsom Common
4 July Nork Park
11 July Nonsuch Park
18 July Ashtead Common
25 July Horton Country Park
Our longer walks take place on Sundays and Wednesdays. The schedule for June and July is:
12 June Banstead Woods
19 June Horton Country Park
26 June Epsom Downs
3 July Ewell Court 29
10 July Chipstead Road
17 July Epsom Common
24 July Oxshott Heath
31 July Nonsuch Park
8 June Chipstead Road
15 June Bourne Hall
22 June Epsom Common
29 June Banstead Heath
6 July Nonsuch Park
13 July Oxshott Heath
20 July Headley Heath
27 July Ashstead Common
There is no charge to attend any of these walks. But to keep going we are looking for more volunteers to lead and back mark our walks. Full training will be provided for leaders and all volunteers will be given dayglow jackets. Details of how to get to our walks can be found on our website: www.epsomandewellhealthwalks.org.uk. We are holding our Annual General Meeting at Ewell Hall on Wednesday 15 June at 11-30am.
This is opposite St Mary the Virgin Ewell Parish Church. All walkers and those considering volunteering are welcome to attend.