Why vote Green in Epsom and Ewell?

Green Party candidates Janice Baker and Andrew Bailey

Exclusive to the Epsom and Ewell Times we are bringing you statements from each Party standing for election to the local council this Thursday 4th May. We start today with the Green Party.

Vote Green to beat the housing crisis and ensure that the Green Belt and other treasured green
spaces are protected. Vote Green for a council that stands up to Whitehall’s wild housing demands,
turns away speculative developers and expensive consultancies. A Green focus opts for low-carbon,
preferably Passivhaus standards to provide social housing that people can afford to rent and buy in
the places people need them. Vote for Green answers to providing adequate community
infrastructure – surgeries, cycling and walking networks, nurseries and schools, vibrant youth
centres and care services.

Vote Green to alleviate the cost of living crisis with a freeze on rent rises, a ban on no-fault evictions,
free school meals and 35 hours free childcare from 9 months old. We support £1 fares on local bus
routes, subsidised insulation schemes, housing – not hotels – for the homeless and refugees.
Vote Green to view a successful economy as one that provides a sustainable and fair society for all.

Janice Baker – Green Party candidate for Nonsuch Ward.

Photo: Janice Baker and Andrew Bailey – Green Party candidates showing willing for the hustings.

Ed: The Green Party are fielding candidates in the following wards: Ewell Village, Nonsuch, Ruxley, Stamford, Town, West Ewell, Woodcote and Langley Vale.

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