Restating the need for recycling in Surrey

Re-cycling plastic

26,000 tonnes of recyclable waste can be found in Surrey’s rubbish

Research shows that many people feel like they are already recycling as much as they can. But according to data, over 26,000 tonnes of recyclable waste can be found in Surrey’s rubbish bins.

Categorised by material, that would look something like this…

  • 9,096 tonnes of paper and card, equating to the weight of roughly 5,000 cars.
  • 8,353 tonnes of plastic, equal to the weight of almost 1,500 elephants.
  • 6,619 tonnes of glass, that’s approximately the weight of 9,500 cows.
  • 2,268 tonnes of metal, equivalent to around the weight of 4,500 polar bears.

Why is this a big deal?

By recycling more you can help fight climate change as recycling generates less carbon dioxide than rubbish disposal. When the extra carbon dioxide from rubbish disposal enters the air it increases the greenhouse effect, raising the planet’s temperature to be warmer than it should be naturally.

If just over 26,000 tonnes of rubbish was recycled instead of going to disposal, we could save the equivalent of 42,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the environment.

It costs less money to recycle than it does send rubbish for disposal, so recycling is good for the environment and for our pockets.

Win, win, with your recycling bin

This summer, please help the planet by recycling more. This includes:

  • Letters, envelopes, paper, card, leaflets, catalogs, glossy brochures and magazines, junk mail, newspapers and cardboard.
  • Food packaging such as plastic pots, tubs and trays.
  • Plastic bottles used for shampoo, detergent, and cleaning products.
  • Glass bottles and jars.
  • Metal food tins for things like tuna, soup, fruit and pet food.

If you are unsure if a product you have can be recycled or not check the Surrey Recycles Search Tool for more information.

These small changes will make a big impact, not only to the planet but to local councils who can use the money saved for essential services for Surrey’s communities instead.

Find out more at the Surrey Environment Partnership web page.

Rethinking your waste and changing your habits can earn you prizes

Would you like to win prizes when you rethink your waste? Rethink Waste is up and running and rewards you when you help the planet by reducing your waste. You can collect points by completing weekly activities such as quizzes, making a pledge, or watching a short video. Points can be transferred into prizes!

The scheme launched last month and so far, residents have been focusing their efforts on getting as much material out of the rubbish bin as they can. Over the coming months, the scheme will focus on reducing waste when cleaning the house and cooking. After that, if you’ve signed up, you will learn about some of the tools that can be used to make sure we’re respecting the all-important waste hierarchy!

You can use your points in several ways. You can use them to donate money to charity or enter prize draws.

Rethink Waste is available for free and is exclusive to Surrey residents. It is being delivered by Surrey Environment Partnership, which is a partnership of all the councils in Surrey set up to deliver projects to reduce waste and increase recycling across the county.

If you’re not signed up already and want to earn points, sign up today on the Green Redeem website.

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