20th July 2023

£10m Co-Vid grant pay-back put in wrong place
A £10million accounting error at cash-strapped Guildford Borough Council was discovered in March but councillors were only told this month. The error meant it looked like there was more in … READ MORE

RA and Green motion to improve Surrey’s “Green” motion
It could soon be possible to take a “pleasant walk or cycle” along a Surrey road without being “slapped” in the face by “brambles or nettles”. A motion calling on … READ MORE

Contractors occupying the high-ground
Ewell school benefits from local highway contractors’ social value activities. Milestone Infrastructure, a part of M Group Services, is committed to supporting the communities in which it operates and was … READ MORE

An alternative view from Labour
Mark Todd lives in Epsom and is the Chair of the local Labour Party. He contested the new ward of Horton at the 4th May Epsom and Ewell Borough Council … READ MORE

Thames Water among worst in country
Standout levels of pollution and poor monitoring has left Thames Water languishing joint last among the country’s “very disappointing” water and sewerage companies. The damning verdict was delivered in a … READ MORE

Kids takeover Bourne Hall digitally
On Friday 7 July Bourne Hall in Ewell handed over its social media channels to young people from St Clement’s Catholic Primary School in Ewell, as part of a national … READ MORE

Little plots of Council land for housing?
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council’s Strategy and Resources Committee decided Thursday 13th July to submit two Council owned sites for housing. The Draft Local Plan sets out the framework for … READ MORE

Council’s financial reservations
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council’s finances came under the spotlight at a meeting 13th July of the Strategy and Resources Committee. Chair Neil Dallen MBE (RA Town Ward) opened the … READ MORE

Surrey’s triple contribution towards net zero
The University of Surrey is playing a role in three new national energy research centres which will boost knowledge, create innovative green technologies and reduce demand for energy to achieve … READ MORE

Respite for carers in Surrey to increase?
The chronic shortage of overnight respite places in Surrey could improve if plans to increase the number of available beds by almost 50 per cent are given the go-ahead. Surrey … READ MORE

Capital punishment for local businesses?
South East businesses are being forced to put the brakes on growth plans, as 97% of companies admit difficulty in accessing capital is impacting their business. According to BDO LLP’s … READ MORE

Another Surrey borough going under?
Guildford Borough Council will bring in “strict controls” on new spending and aim to get its finances in order with a special budget to be set this month. The authority … READ MORE

Gatwick to get 2nd runway?
Gatwick Airport’s bid to double its capacity to 78 million passengers and effectively create a second Heathrow will cause a “bigger impact locally than Horse Hill” oil drilling, a local … READ MORE