Epsom and Ewell Parliament candidates interviewed


On Monday 17th June James Hains of the Epsom and Ewell Times conducted interviews with Gina Miller (True and Fair Party), Mhairi Fraser (Conservative), Helen Maguire (Liberal Democrat), Stephen McKenna (Green Party) and Mark Todd (Labour). The interviews were filmed by the Creative and Media Team at NESCOT in Ewell. Epsom and Ewell Times extends our immense gratitude to NESCOT for their professionalism and service especially Charlie McCarthy.

Mayuran Senthilnathan of the Reform Party was called away at short notice and could not make the schedule.

Here are the interviews:

Epsom and Ewell Times thanks all the candidates who took part.

They are all a credit to our democracy whether you agree with them or not.

Make sure you vote on 4th July and don’t forget your photo ID.

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