Scouts rafting in Switzerland

Epsom Scouts Summer Swiss adventures


This summer was packed with Scouts travelling on International Expeditions and trips and Surrey Scouts joined in on the fun. Scouts from 3rd Epsom & 8th/14th Epsom joined 700 other young people from across Surrey to have their own summer adventure.

The Scouts attended Surrey’s Kix. Challenging themselves to take part activities over a week at Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC), Kandersteg, Switzerland.

This year sees the centenary of KISC, where at the beginning on August, saw Dignatories from Switzerland and members of WOSM (World Scout Scout Movement) and members of the Commissioner team from UK Scouting take part in the festivities.

While Surrey Scouts were on site, they met Scouts from Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal and other parts of the UK.

Thirteen coaches set off from Cobham Services (thanks to them for accommodating their departure and return). Apart from the UK contingent visiting south Korea for the World Scout Jamboree, this expedition was the largest contingent of Scouts from the UK visiting overseas this year.

While in Switzerland, Scouts Walked high into the Mountains with our trained (and KISC trained) Mountain walkers, rafted from Thun to Bern (as well as getting to visit Thun & Bern), went high into the trees as part of a High Rope course in Interlaken (as well as getting to visit Interlaken).

All Troops also helped out on site and got to visit the local area. Troops also chose a Troop day, where some Scouts went up the Schithorn (the one in the Bond movie), Jungfrau, Rothorn (via a steam ship and train), visited the Thermal pools in Brigerbad, Toboganning at Lake Oeschinen, Zip Wire and Trotti bikes in Grindelwald amongst other things.

Ian MacQueen Expedition leader said “KIX 2023 took two years to plan with and aim to give 700 Scouts and leaders the opportunity to try new activities, make new friends and learn skills for life. I think it is safe to say we achieved our aim and more. My thanks to the staff and leaders who made the event a success. We will now start to plan KIX 2026”

Owen a Scout from 1st Nork said “My favourite thing about KIX was the river rafting and being able to invade all the other boats”.

Caramay a Scout from 3rd Epsom said “My favourite bit of the week was the trip to the Thermal baths because it gave an opportunity to rest during the active week”.

Samuel a Scout from 3rd Epsom said The rafting was the best because the experience was enjoyable and the scenery was amazing.”

Scouts are for Boys and Girls aged 10.5 to 14. Pre-pandemic youth membership was 479,000 (2020)
Up until the pandemic, The Scouts enjoyed a sustained period of growth, with total membership rising by nearly 200,000 between 2006 and 2020

2020 to 2021, youth membership fell from 480,083 to 362,752 – a 24.5% decline – and adult membership fell from 155,907 to 141,863. 2021 to 2022 membership growth is 362,668 to 421,852 – an increase of 16%

All genders, races and backgrounds are welcome at Scouts. Every week, it gives almost over a third of a million people aged 6-25 the skills they need for school, college, university, the job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dreams: the skills they need for life.

Individuals are 15% less likely to suffer from mood swings and anxiety if you’ve been a Scout or Guide, according to a Cohort study by the University of Edinburgh and Glasgow, 2016.

Neil Wibberley

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