Mind the Epsom Town Centre Masterplan!


Epsom & Ewell Borough Council will be opening a public consultation on Monday 25 July to give residents, workers, business owners and visitors the chance to help shape the future of Epsom town centre. Epsom and Ewell Times reported on the cost of this planning endeavour HERE on 13th June 2022.

The consultation is looking to find out:

– How respondents feel about the town centre today
– How respondents would like the town centre to change in the future
– What respondents think should happen in the key opportunity areas that have been identified.

The public’s opinions will inform a new Epsom Town Centre Masterplan, which will be a key part of the evidence base for Epsom & Ewell’s borough-wide Local Plan, guiding decisions about planning, development and investment in the future.

Councillor Steven McCormick, Chair of the Licensing & Planning Policy Committee, said, “We want to hear as many local voices and opinions as possible about our Town Centre. To do this we need a range of people who both visit and use Epsom to go online and take part. There will be an exhibition within the Ashley Centre (opposite Costa Coffee) from the 8th August, with an opportunity to meet the project team on the 11th and 13th of August”

Respondents will be able to give their views via an online questionnaire at https://epsom-
which has been
made possible with the support of the Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities
(DLUHC) “Prop Tech” 2 engagement fund.

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