Kate Bailey buried in Horton Cemetery Epsom

Orphans by mental ill-health and war


Another tragic life that ended in Epsom and a burial in Europe’s largest and now abandoned asylum cemetery. The Friends of Horton Cemetery‘s research project is bringing back to life the lives of the 9000 patients.

Kate Bailey née Cheer was born in 1882 in Abingdon, Berkshire to a farming family. Unfortunately, there is little cheer in this family’s story, which makes for a very sad read, tinged with a little mystery as to why her life unravelled. 

It is most sad because her death in 1914 left two very young children who were then to lose their father later that year at Ypres, fighting in WW1.

Theresa Kenefick-Conway tells the full story on the website www.hortoncemetery.org

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