Prevention costs less than cures…..
Opinion by County Councillor Eber Kington:
It goes without saying that, if local councils prevent something untoward happening, that will save the higher costs of repairing the damaged caused. Fill in the potholes quickly and damage to vehicles and bigger potholes is prevented. Build the flood defences, and you do not have deal with the physical and emotional costs of lost homes and possessions.
And what applies to tarmac, bricks and riverbanks also applies to our young children and families. Ensure they have a good start, and you avoid the higher costs of intervention and support in later years. That might seem obvious, but I am not sure that Surrey County Council, with its responsibilities for children and families really understands that.
Many Family Centres were closed by the Conservative administration in 2019 on the basis that SCC would target those most in need. But Family Centres, with its universal provision and encouragement of all to attend, were designed to ensure that families did not fall into need in the first place. A strategy focussing only on those that have already met the threshold for support is neither preventative nor sound.
In this year’s Budget, the ruling group decided against even an inflationary increase in budget for the supportive and therapeutic Short Breaks Services for Children with SEND and their families. This was despite the Council’s own the Equality Impact Assessment telling them that:
“Any reductions in capacity of short breaks services due to either or both inflation linked price increases [or] reduced current levels of investment …..are likely to: reduce positive outcomes for children with disabilities and their families; and increase pressure within families of children with disabilities, which is likely to, in some cases, contribute to family breakdown if this is not mitigated – leading to increased cost for the local authority”
Short Breaks is a service that makes a real preventative difference, and even a standstill budget is likely have future financial consequences. And SCC continues to fail some of our most challenged young people in another way. Support for them comes, in part, through the development of an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) within their school setting. But SCC has a backlog of 937 new applications which, at the current rate of action, will take until March 2024 to clear.
I understand that there are pressures, with more young people in need of an EHCP, and those with the expertise to develop them not readily available. But, all the while there are children whose needs are not being met, the longer-term costs of meeting their educational needs are rising.
SCC has to value and fund preventative services, and Residents Association and Independent Councillors are committed to highlighting the removal and reduction of those preventative services when that happens.
However, we are also seeking to work positively with the ruling administration to ensure that Surrey’s children and families get the best start in life and that the balance of funding between prevention and cure starts to be more clearly tipped in favour of the former.

County Councillor Eber Kington (RA Ewell Court, Auriol & Cuddington)
Top image: Epsom Family Centre within Pound Lane School.