22nd June 2023

Residents’ complaints about anti-protester measures ahead of Derby


Residents’ complaints about anti-protester measures ahead of Derby

Epsom Derby organisers faced an “awful lot of complaints” from residents as they put up fencing and closed footpaths to minimise disruption caused by Animal Rising protesters. The activists had … READ MORE

2700 cubs and brownies came to Epsom


2700 cubs and brownies came to Epsom

Cub Scouts and Brownies from Epsom & Ewell districts joined over 2700 Cub Scouts, Brownies and leaders from across Surrey for a day of fun and adventure at an activity … READ MORE

Should have gone to the Surrey Youth Games?


Should have gone to the Surrey Youth Games?

On Saturday, children in Epsom & Ewell who took part in the 2023 Specsavers Surrey Youth Games and their families came together to celebrate the Games at the Surrey Sports … READ MORE

Anonymity justified by acquittal?


Anonymity justified by acquittal?

A service Surrey Police officer who allegedly ‘harassed two female colleagues’ has been cleared of misconduct. The hearing’s chairperson said they had looked into allegations that a police constable carried … READ MORE

Prevention costs less than cures…..


Prevention costs less than cures…..

Opinion by County Councillor Eber Kington: It goes without saying that, if local councils prevent something untoward happening, that will save the higher costs of repairing the damaged caused. Fill in … READ MORE

Uncommon commitment to the Common


Uncommon commitment to the Common

The Epsom Common Association (ECA) has a membership of around five hundred households, and works closely with Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Countryside Team and the Lower Mole Partnership to … READ MORE

Sustaining Epsom and Ewell’s trees


Sustaining Epsom and Ewell’s trees

The Epsom and Ewell Tree Advisory Board (EETAB) founded in 1994 is a partnership of environmentally minded volunteers from the local community who work together to safeguard and promote the … READ MORE

Ex MPC, now Epsom PPC, tackles Surrey PCs


Ex MPC, now Epsom PPC, tackles Surrey PCs

Epsom and Ewell Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate and former Royal Military Police officer, Helen Maguire, is pushing Government to spend more on policing in Surrey given the “dire” state … READ MORE

Stretching Epsom taxi ULEZ exemption


Stretching Epsom taxi ULEZ exemption

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council’s Licensing and Planning Policy Committee decided Thursday 15th June to put out to public consultation a change to licensing requirements for taxis seeking operating licences … READ MORE

Pause for thought on paused Plan


Pause for thought on paused Plan

Epsom and Ewell Borough Council’s Licensing and Planning Policy Committee reviewed the state of play with the Draft Local Plan at a meeting Thursday 15th June. The progression of the … READ MORE

Kerbing car pollution trial in Surrey


Kerbing car pollution trial in Surrey

On Thursday 15 June, Clean Air Day, Surrey County Council is launching the trial of two domestic kerbside electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions for Surrey residents who do not have … READ MORE

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