Council Committees: Everything you need to know


With the Mayor Making ceremony last night at Bourne Hall, Epsom and Ewell officially have a new mayor, along with the new mayor, the policy, standards, advisory and regulatory committees have had new chairs and vice-chairs appointed.

Who chairs what committee? What do these committees do? Read on for all you need to know about the committees and their new chairpeople.

Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Steve Bridger (left) and Nigel Colin (right)

Chair: Steve Bridger

Vice-Chair: Nigel Colin

The Audit and Scrutiny Committee is an audit committee made up of 10 councillors and serves as the council’s primary form of internal scrutiny. The committee serves many vital functions, such as monitoring the progress of the Council’s corporate plan, reviewing and approving the annual governance statement and exercising scrutiny and review functions.

The committee will now be chaired by Councillor Steve Bridger of Stamford Ward, and Vice-Chaired by Councillor Nigel Colin of College Ward.

Community and Wellbeing Committee 

Alex Coley (left) and Christine Cleveland (right)

Chair: Alex Coley

Vice-Chair: Christine Cleveland

The Community and Wellbeing Committee is a policy committee dedicated to the promotion of sports, leisure, cultural and recreational activities in the borough. The committee is also responsible for the management of The Playhouse, Bourne Hall, Ewell Court House, The Rainbow Centre and Bourne Hall Museum.

The committee’s agenda is very broad, covering everything from parks and recreation to housing benefits, making it one of the most important vital committees for the day-to-day running of the council. The committee will now be chaired by Councillor Alex Coley of Ruxley Ward ad vice-chaired by Christine Cleveland of Ewell Ward.

Environment & Safe Communities Committee

John Beckett (left) and Arthur Abdulin (right)

Chair: John Beckett

Vice-Chair: Arthur Abdulin

The Environment & Safe Communities Committee is a policy committee responsible for transportation policy, waste management refuse and collection, as well as community safety and crime prevention. An extremely important committee, it manages many vital aspects of policy for the council.

The committee will now be chaired by Councillor John Beckett of Auriol Ward, and vice-chaired by Councillor Arthur Abdulin of Town Ward.

Licensing and Planning Policy Committee

Steve McCormick (left) and Peter O’Donovan (right)

Chair: Steven McCormick

Vice-Chair: Peter O’Donovan

The Licensing and Planning Policy Committee serves to consider and approve Local Plan documents for public consultation (including Development Plan Documents up to the Preferred Options stage and Supplementary Planning Documents up to the Consultation stage). The Committee also considers and approves (i) draft Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans for public consultation and (ii) the final version of Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans, as well as safeguarding the historic environment of Epsom & Ewell.

The committee is now chaired by Councillor Steve McCormick of Woodcote Ward, and vice-chaired by Councillor Peter O’Donovan of Ewell Court Ward.

Planning Committee

Humphrey Reynolds (left) and Phil Neale (right)

Chair: Humphrey Reynolds

Vice-Chair: Phil Neale

The Planning Committee is a regulatory committee in place to deal with regulatory matters required by and flowing from, Town and Country Planning legislation including matters relating to high hedges, and to develop and maintain communication and consultation with the public, local businesses and relevant organisations.

The committee is now chaired by Councillor Humphrey Reynolds of Ewell Ward and vice-chaired by Councillor Phil Neale of Cuddington Ward.

Strategy and Resources Committee

Neil Dallen (left) and Hannah Dalton (right)

Chair: Neil Dallen

Vice-Chair: Hannah Dalton

The Strategy and Resources Committee is a policy committee that is responsible for the Budget and Policy Framework, for submission to the Council, and for implementation and monitoring of treasury management policies. The committee is also responsible for Human Resources management and investment strategy.

The extremely important committee also has jurisdiction over electoral matters, including polling stations and ward boundaries.

The committee is now chaired by Councillor Neil Dallen of Town Ward and vice-chaired by Councillor Hannah Dalton of Stoneleigh Ward.

Standards and Constitution Committee

Liz Frost (left) and Hannah Dalton (right)

Chair: Liz Frost

Vice-Chair: Hannah Dalton

The Standards and Constitution Committee is a standards committee responsible for assisting and advising the Council in meeting its duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members, to monitor and review the effectiveness of the Code of Conduct for members and To ensure that the general public are informed of the effectiveness of the Council’s promotion of high standards of conduct by members and effectiveness of arrangements to deal with breaches of the Code of Conduct for members.

The committee is chaired by Councillor Liz Frost of Woodcote Ward and vice-chaired by Councillor Hannah Dalton of Stoneleigh Ward.

Financial Policy Panel

Chair: Neil Dallen

The Financial Policy Panel serves to advise the Strategy and Resources Committee on all matters relating to budget and policy framework (including the setting of staff pay) and all matters legislation or policy related to local government finance. The committee also serves to scrutinise treasury management, for both strategy and policy.

The panel is chaired by Councillor Neil Dallen of Town Ward.

Health Liaison Panel

Chair: Christine Cleveland

The Health Liasion Panel advise the Community & Welling Committee on preparing, promoting and monitoring the Council’s Health Strategy in association with National Health Service bodies, Social Services and the voluntary sector; providing leadership and liaising with NHS bodies, the County Council and other agencies to promote the effective use of all resources and the delivery of best value Health and Social Services to the community.

It is chaired by Councillor Christine Cleveland of Ewell Ward

Human Resources Panel

Profile image for Councillor Peter Webb

Chair: Peter Webb

The Human Resources Panel serves to advise the Strategy and Resources Committee on employment policies and good practice (excluding the setting of staff pay); staff wellbeing.

It is chaired by Councillor Peter Webb of Auriol Ward


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