Kingswood House Epsom

A special Epsom school’s future secured.


The future of Kingswood House School on West Hill in Epsom has been secured after the planning
brought by local developer Steve Curwen, was refused by Surrey County Council on 21 st March. The
School’s landlords have also confirmed in court proceedings pending with the School that they have
no objection to the grant of a new lease to the School.

Kingswood House School has existed on its site for over 100 years and has within its 250 pupils, 172
with registered special educational needs (SEND) the highest number of any school in Surrey. The
School has been awarded the status of “Asset of Community Value” in recognition of its contribution
to the local community and has recently been graded “excellent” in an inspection undertaken by the
Independent Schools Inspectorate.

The proposed planning application would have seen the 100 year old school replaced with a much
smaller school of only 60 pupils for extreme special needs. The application was met with a very
high level of local opposition culminating in 440 objections and a petition of 150 due in large part to
a fear that it was a precursor to an application to build houses on the school playing field and
indeed, across the whole site in the event that the proposed school did not proceed.

Related reports:

Campaign to save special Epsom school builds

Battle for Epsom School continues….

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Grayling stood up by developers….


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